ADB Story highlights fight against desert locusts

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has published a story on its website which highlights the fight against desert locusts in Pakistan.
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Research reveals invasive Lantana camara reduced growth of maize by 29% in East Usambara, Tanzania

Lantana camara
CABI scientists have contributed to new research published in the journal Plant-Environment Interactions which shows how the invasive weed Lantana camara reduced the growth of maize in East Usambara, Tanzania, by 29%.
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Webinar highlights management options for Fusarium wilt affecting banana crops

CABI has convened a webinar attended by 125 participants from the Americas, to highlight the various management options to fight Fusarium wilt of banana.
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Study shows toxicity of chemical pesticides used in maize against natural enemy of Asian corn borer pest

A new study has determined the compatibility of chemical pesticides – commonly used by maize growers – with the natural biological control Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasitoid of the Asian corn borer pest.
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New research proposes local Biological Control Agent hubs to fight fall armyworm in Bangladesh

Fall armyworm Zambia
New CABI-led research, working in conjunction with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), proposes the establishment of local Biological Control Agent (BCA) hubs to fight the devastating fall armyworm pest in Bangladesh.
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CABI highlights benefits of Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) support tools to fight invasive species in Caribbean

Larval damage
CABI’s experts in the field of invasive species management have highlighted the benefits of the CABI Horizon Scanning (HS) Tool and CABI Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) Tool to help fight a range of invasive species in the Caribbean.
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Developing a cabbage stem flea beetle biopesticide in partnership

CABI is working in partnership with CHAP – Crop Health and Protection Limited – as well as Russell Bio Solutions Ltd and H&T Bioseed, to find an effective and safe biological control to fight the devastating Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle Psylliodes chrysocephalus (CSFB).
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CABI collaborates on research suggesting Asia is a ‘genetic melting pot’ for fall armyworm

CABI scientists from its regional centre in Malaysia have collaborated on new research which suggests Asia is a ‘biosecurity hotspot’ and a ‘genetic melting pot’ for the devastating crop pest fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).
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Progress made on biological controls to fight crop pests in Malaysia

FAW fawligen effects
Scientists at CABI’s regional centre in Malaysia are making good progress in evaluating baculovirus-based biological solutions to manage a range of crop pests including fall armyworm, beet armyworm and diamondback moth.
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Technology in the skies fights desert locust

In early 2020, thousands of Kenyan farmers and rural communities suffered a severe disaster following desert locust invasion which destroyed their crops.
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