CABI supports weevil release to help control floating pennywort in the Cam Washes

CABI scientists have been supporting the UK Environment Agency with the release of a South American weevil to serve as a sustainable biological control solution to control floating pennywort at the Cam Washes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) west of Wicken, Cambridgeshire, UK.
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Tackling a cactus menace with sustainable biological control in Kenya’s Naibunga Community Conservancy

In the heart of Kenya’s Naibunga Community Conservancy, a growing ecological threat is taking root — Opuntia engelmannii. This species of cactus has become a major invasive plant, impacting livestock health, grazing lands, and human wellbeing.
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New CABI book explores the ecology and management of invasive Prosopis trees in Eastern Africa

CABI has published a new book which explores the ecology and management of invasive Prosopis juliflora trees which have severely impacted landscapes and the livelihoods of pastoral communities in Eastern Africa.
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European Weed Research Society working groups turn focus on biological control of Invasive Alien Plant species

CABI has shared its expertise at a workshop convened by the European Weed Research Society (EWRS) aimed at understanding the very latest science regarding the sustainable biological control of Invasive Alien Plant (IAP) species.
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Our most read blogs of 2024

An image of a spotted lanternfly features in one of our most read blogs this year.
As 2024 draws to a close, we’ve tallied the numbers to showcase the most popular articles on the Invasives Blog this year, along with a few favourites! This year’s most read blogs capture our collaborations with local communities and youth empowerment. We hope your favourites made it onto our most-read list! Take a look…
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Study suggests ways to prevent spread of invasive alien species from pet and aquaria trade in Caribbean

A new study, published in the journal One Health has suggested ways in which to prevent the spread of invasive alien species (IAS) into sensitive ecosystems caused by the pet and aquaria trade in the Caribbean.
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CABI-led study shows potential distribution of natural enemy for papaya mealybug pest across Africa

A new CABI-led study has shown the potential distribution of a natural enemy that is being used to fight the devastating papaya mealybug pest across East Africa.
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Foreign exploration for candidate biological control agents: 75 years of partnership between Canada and CABI

05 Tetrastichus setifer parasitizing a lily leaf beetle larva
CABI has highlighted 75 years of working in partnership to research biological solutions to fight a range of invasive insect pests and weeds in Canada at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Entomological Society of Quebec.
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Celebrating 10 years of biocontrol success: Rwanda’s journey in sustainable pest management

Rwandan Agriculture and Animal Resource Board (RAB), CABI and its partners, are marking a significant milestone – 10 years of success in mass-producing biocontrol agents at their Rubona facility located in Huye district in Rwanda. This achievement highlights Rwanda’s commitment to sustainable agricultural practices through innovative pest management solutions, primarily the production of beneficial nematodes…
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CABI and partners celebrate clearance of Prosopis inside Lake Bogoria National Reserve

CABI recently joined partners at Lake Bogoria National Reserve in Kenya to celebrate the removal of Prosopis juliflora, popularly known as Mathenge, from the lake’s shoreline – a crucial step in addressing the invasive plant that has contributed to the deaths of Lesser Flamingos in recent years.
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