Why the invasive apple snail is causing Kenya’s basmati rice to lose its sweet smell of productivity

Kenya’s Mwea Irrigation Settlement Scheme (MIS) is located in Kirinyaga County and falls within two sub counties – Mwea East and Mwea, writes Harrison Rware and Fernadis Makale who are both intrigued by the invasive apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) pest which is wreaking havoc in the fields of concerned rice farmers.
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Low hanging fruits? Papaya mealybug in Kenya and search for a biological solution

The potential and importance of papaya production in Kenya cannot be overemphasised. It is ranked fourth most important fruit crop in Kenya after oranges, mangoes and bananas, writes Fernadis Makale, Research Officer, Invasive Species Management based at CABI’s Africa Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.
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