CABI empowers youth in Zambia to establish businesses in biocontrol of fall armyworm

CABI experts recently held a training session in Lusaka, Zambia, empowering 20 youth farmers to seize business opportunities related to biological control of the devastating fall armyworm (FAW).
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South Sudan smallholder farmers embrace nature’s solution to papaya mealybug menace

Smallholder farmers in South Sudan are embracing nature’s solution to the papaya mealybug menace which has been devastating crops since it first invaded East Africa between 2015 to 2020.
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Fight to control invasive phragmites highlighted in new video from CABI partners Ducks Unlimited Canada

The fight to control invasive phragmites – one of the worst invasive plants in Canada due to its impact on wetlands, waterways and natural areas – has been highlighted in a new video by CABI partners Ducks Unlimited Canada.
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Communities take action against woody weeds in Lake Natron Basin to reduce impacts in worst affected areas

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Prosopis juliflora is considered one of the world’s most threatening non-native tree species. Though it was introduced to Eastern Africa in the 1970s to provide wood and fodder and reduce erosion on degraded land, it has since spread rapidly with a range of severe impacts.
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Facilitating strategy and action plans to address woody weeds in Tanzania’s Lake Natron Basin

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Prosopis juliflora is considered one of the world’s most threatening non-native tree species. Though it was introduced to Eastern Africa in the 1970s to provide wood and fodder and reduce erosion on degraded land, it has since spread rapidly with a range of severe impacts. In part one of a two-part blog, we look at how…
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Biological fight against Himalayan balsam stepped up at sites near River Stort in Hertfordshire, UK

The biological fight against the Himalayan balsam – one of the UK’s most invasive species – is being stepped up at two sites near the River Stort in Hertfordshire, UK, thanks to CABI’s research into the rust fungus Puccinia komarovii var. glanduliferae. CABI scientists have confirmed that Himalayan balsam populations from two sites near the River Stort,…
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Study confirms efficacy of three insecticides to fight fall armyworm as part of Integrated Pest Management

A new study conducted has confirmed the efficacy of three insecticides to fight the fall armyworm pest as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan.
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Invasive alien species is biggest threat to biodiversity and livelihoods in Caribbean, according to new field guide

Invasive alien species (IAS) explored in a CABI-published book pose the biggest threat to biodiversity, crop and/or livestock production, human and/or animal health, and economic development in the Caribbean.
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Invasive Species Week 2024 offers chance for CABI to highlight its expertise in weed management in the UK

The GB Non-Native Species Secretariat (NNSS) is once again raising awareness of the need to help prevent the spread and reduce the harmful impacts of invasive non-native plants and animals during UK Invasive Species Week 2024. Invasive Species Week, which runs from 20-26 May, is also an opportunity for CABI to highlight its expertise in…
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CABI and Malawi Government publishes guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of Malawi

CABI has published a ‘Guide to the Naturalized and Invasive Plants of Malawi’ – a country home to the UNESCO World Heritage site, Lake Malawi, the fifth largest freshwater lake in the world by volume and home to around 700 species of cichlids.
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