Dr Dick Shaw discusses the power of biocontrol
CABI has worked on invasive species for over 100 years, developing practical ways of tackling the biggest threats. Our scientists are world leaders in biocontrol research – an approach that uses invasive species’ natural enemies, like insects and fungi, to control their spread. In this blog, Dr Dick Shaw, CABI’s Senior Regional Director for Europe…
Could better awareness increase the uptake of weed biocontrol in Europe?
To increase the uptake of weed biocontrol in Europe, we need more awareness about its benefits and successes New research suggests that greater awareness about the benefits and successes of weed biocontrol is needed in Europe to increase its uptake. Scientists have discovered a knowledge gap between global regions, showing that EU professionals are less…
Tree of heaven: can a mite reduce the spread of this highly invasive pest?
Tree of heaven is an invasive tree that damages infrastructure and hosts invasive species. Can a mite play a role in reducing its spread?
Ruffling parrot’s feathers: the biological control of Myriophyllum aquaticum
Myriophyllum aquaticum, commonly known as parrot’s feather, is an invasive aquatic weed. It can have roots underwater in depths of up to 1.5 metres with shoots that appear 20-50cm above the water surface. This makes it both a submerged and emergent plant. It is native to South America but is a popular garden and aquarium…