Study suggests ways to prevent spread of invasive alien species from pet and aquaria trade in Caribbean

A new study, published in the journal One Health has suggested ways in which to prevent the spread of invasive alien species (IAS) into sensitive ecosystems caused by the pet and aquaria trade in the Caribbean.
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Invasive alien species is biggest threat to biodiversity and livelihoods in Caribbean, according to new field guide

Invasive alien species (IAS) explored in a CABI-published book pose the biggest threat to biodiversity, crop and/or livestock production, human and/or animal health, and economic development in the Caribbean.
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CABI warns that like on St Kitts and Nevis, invasive green monkeys could become a significant threat to crop production on other Caribbean islands

CABI has shared its expertise on the management of invasive species as part of a consultation on how to mitigate the impacts of the green monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus) on food security in St Kitts and Nevis.
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CABI supports fight against invasive species

CABI is supporting the fight against invasive species in the Caribbean. As part of PlantwisePlus activities and with funding from the CABI Development Fund, visits took place to support the governments of Grenada and Barbados. Dr Yelitza Colmenarez, CABI Brazil Centre Director & Plantwise Regional Coordinator – Latin America and Caribbean, and consultant Guilherme Trivellato…
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Prioritizing high impact crop pests for actions to safeguard the plant resources of the Caribbean

The CPHD is a network of Caribbean Plant Health Directors. A major objective of the CPHD is the safeguarding of the plant resources of the Caribbean with a focus on crop plants.
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CABI highlights benefits of Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) support tools to fight invasive species in Caribbean

Larval damage
CABI’s experts in the field of invasive species management have highlighted the benefits of the CABI Horizon Scanning (HS) Tool and CABI Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) Tool to help fight a range of invasive species in the Caribbean.
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St Kitts and Nevis launches campaign to raise awareness of Invasive Alien Species

The Minister of Environment for the Government of St Kitts and Nevis has officially launched a communication, education and public awareness campaign for the CABI-led project ‘Preventing Costs of Invasive Alien Species (IAS).’
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CABI highlights top 20 crop pests and diseases for possible prioritization in the Eastern Caribbean

CABI has highlighted the top 20 crop pests and diseases for possible prioritization in the Eastern Caribbean as part of a special presentation given to the Caribbean Plant Health Directors Forum (CPHD) aimed at strengthening food security in the region and further afield.
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