Invasives Blog
Tag: Dr Rene Eschen
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Facilitating strategy and action plans to address woody weeds in Tanzania’s Lake Natron Basin
July 22, 2024
Wayne Coles
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Prosopis juliflora is considered one of the world’s most threatening non-native tree species. Though it was introduced to Eastern Africa in the 1970s to provide wood and fodder and reduce erosion on degraded land, it has since spread rapidly with a range of severe impacts. In part one of a two-part blog, we look at how…
Research reveals invasive Lantana camara reduced growth of maize by 29% in East Usambara, Tanzania
October 12, 2022
Wayne Coles
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CABI scientists have contributed to new research published in the journal Plant-Environment Interactions which shows how the invasive weed Lantana camara reduced the growth of maize in East Usambara, Tanzania, by 29%.
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If you are active in the field of invasive species or development and would like to contribute to the Invasives Blog, please contact Donna Hutchinson. We are happy to post credible articles that we think would be of interest to our readership.
Views expressed in contributions do not necessarily reflect official CABI positions.
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