CABI supports weevil release to help control floating pennywort in the Cam Washes

CABI scientists have been supporting the UK Environment Agency with the release of a South American weevil to serve as a sustainable biological control solution to control floating pennywort at the Cam Washes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) west of Wicken, Cambridgeshire, UK.
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Floating pennywort weevil: feasting to control one of the UK’s most invasive aquatic plants 

Floating pennywort weevil
The floating pennywort weevil (Listronotus elongatus) is the latest biological control method to combat the highly invasive aquatic plant, floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides). CABI’s most recent biological control project, the first small-scale releases of the weevil occurred in late 2021, with a national release and monitoring programme launched in 2022.  
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‘Wonder weevils’ released in Yorkshire waterways in fight against invasive floating pennywort

Specialist weevils from South America have been introduced to two sites in West Yorkshire to control an invasive non-native plant choking waterways.
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Insect heroes fighting invasive species

pennywort weevil
Today marks the beginning of Insect Week (21-27 June) – a week to learn more about the science and natural history of insects. We are highlighting some of the insect heroes, and villains, CABI scientists work with on a regular basis. Scientists at CABI’s Egham laboratory work with a range of insect species, from plant-parasitic…
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UK Invasive Species Week floating pennywort campaign picture special

Floating pennywort launch
As part of UK Invasive Species Week 2021, we bring you – thanks to our friends at the Angling Trust – this collection of photos taken at the launch of a national campaign to tackle the highly invasive floating pennywort from blighting Britain’s rivers and lakes.
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UK Invasive Species Week – how can we tackle some of the worst weeds in the UK?

Close up of Himalayan Balsam flower with a bee on it.
Today marks the beginning of UK Invasive Species Week (24-30 May) – a week to raise awareness about the threat of invasive species in the UK and the significant negative impacts they cause to our environment, our economy and our daily lives.
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