Predicting the spread of invasive spotted lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is an emerging insect pest of a number of economically important crop plants. Originating from China, its primary host plant is tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), which is itself considered to be a noxious invasive species in some areas of the United States.
Largest Invasive Alien Plant dataset is now published online!
By Samantha Garvin. Reblogged from JRS Biodiversity Foundation. CABI has published one of the most complete and current datasets on Invasive Alien Plants (IAP) in East and Southern Africa. This extraordinary dataset is already being translated into new research findings and conservation action on the ground.
Where next for fall armyworm?
Since its confirmed arrival in Nigeria in 2016, the fall armyworm has conquered almost 25.5 million square kilometres of Sub-Saharan Africa, reaching as far east as Ethiopia, and as far south as South Africa. Now fall armyworm has reached beyond African shores and was recently confirmed in India, with CABI warning of its now impending…