Could better awareness increase the uptake of weed biocontrol in Europe?

"Azolla with the biocontrol agent Stenopelmus rufinasus, a 2mm long weevil from North America"
To increase the uptake of weed biocontrol in Europe, we need more awareness about its benefits and successes New research suggests that greater awareness about the benefits and successes of weed biocontrol is needed in Europe to increase its uptake. Scientists have discovered a knowledge gap between global regions, showing that EU professionals are less…
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Garlic mustard threatens the rare West Virginia white butterfly

Garlic mustard
Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolate) is a highly destructive invader in North America. As well as hindering the survival of native plants, it poses a particular threat to the survival of the rare West Virginia white butterfly (Pieris virginiensis).
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All is not quite what it seems in the fight against the noxious Parthenium weed

Scientists are busy investigating effective safer-to-use, and friendlier to the environment, biological control agents to fight one of the world’s most noxious invasive weeds – parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus).
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The spotted lanternfly wreaks havoc on crops in Asia and the US

Spotted lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is an insect pest of several economically important crop plants. It is also a menace to many fruits including grapes, apricots, apples and cherries.
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Stakeholders deliberate integrated policy approach for invasive species management in India

Invasive species management in India Invasive alien species (IAS) are globally recognised to cause serious economic and environmental damage. IAS pose one of the most significant threats to conservation and biodiversity due to their impact on native species in ecosystems. Such as: biodiversity and habitat loss, ecosystem destruction, increased vulnerability to forest fires, change in…
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Halting the spread of highly invasive and destructive Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed
Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) is a highly invasive species that is having a devastating impact on native biodiversity and local infrastructure in its introduced range in the UK, Europe, North America and Canada.
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Tiny weevil’s mighty impact curbing invasive water lettuce in Kenya’s Maasai-Mara ecosystem

water weevil
The tiny water lettuce weevil (Neohydronomus affinis) is having a mighty impact curbing invasive water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.), which has been threatening the rich biodiversity of Kenya’s Maasai-Mara ecosystem.
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CABI shares expertise on hay fever sufferers’ nightmare on US TV

Dr Stefan Toepfer has contributed to WGRZ-TV’s The Outdoors programme on Invasive Species by sharing his expertise on ragweed – the invasive species that is a nightmare for millions of hay fever sufferers across Europe.
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How plant hunters sowed the seeds of garden invaders

Rhododendron ponticum
Plant hunters introduced many of the UK’s most damaging invasive species as botanical status symbols in the Victorian era. Initially, the impact of plant hunting for sought-after specimens, such as camellia and rhododendrons, was largely unknown. However, without natural predators from their home range, these plants grew uncontrollably in British gardens and spread into the…
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Invasive aquatic weeds: 5 unwanted plants to look out for 

Invasive aquatic weeds are causing serious problems across water bodies. With their ability to spread quickly, they outcompete native aquatic plants.
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