Study suggests ways to prevent spread of invasive alien species from pet and aquaria trade in Caribbean

A new study, published in the journal One Health has suggested ways in which to prevent the spread of invasive alien species (IAS) into sensitive ecosystems caused by the pet and aquaria trade in the Caribbean.
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Invasive alien species is biggest threat to biodiversity and livelihoods in Caribbean, according to new field guide

Invasive alien species (IAS) explored in a CABI-published book pose the biggest threat to biodiversity, crop and/or livestock production, human and/or animal health, and economic development in the Caribbean.
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Coordinating body urgently needed to help improve Bangladesh’s invasive alien species system

A new CABI-led study is recommending that a coordinating body is established to help improve weaknesses in Bangladesh’s Invasive Alien Species (IAS) system to facilitate engagement between all actors involved in IAS management – from trade to human health.
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St Kitts and Nevis launches campaign to raise awareness of Invasive Alien Species

The Minister of Environment for the Government of St Kitts and Nevis has officially launched a communication, education and public awareness campaign for the CABI-led project ‘Preventing Costs of Invasive Alien Species (IAS).’
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Is the great ‘homogynene’ on the horizon?

CABI’s Dr Arne Witt has spent a lifetime getting to grips with environmentally-friendly biological controls to try and tackle the scourge of invasive alien species (IAS). These include gums, which – though known as a source of nectar and pollen for bees – add to what Dr Witt says is a looming ‘mass extinction crisis’…
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CABI highlights top 20 crop pests and diseases for possible prioritization in the Eastern Caribbean

CABI has highlighted the top 20 crop pests and diseases for possible prioritization in the Eastern Caribbean as part of a special presentation given to the Caribbean Plant Health Directors Forum (CPHD) aimed at strengthening food security in the region and further afield.
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