Zebra mussels disrupt ecosystems in Europe and North America

zebra mussel cluster
Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are fingernail-sized freshwater molluscs that are native to the lakes of south-east Russia. In the last 200 years they have spread to parts of Europe, including Britain and Ireland, and North America.
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Russian knapweed biological control success with host specific wasps and midges

By Sonya Daly, Dan Bean and Melanie Mollack of the Colorado Department of Agriculture, Conservation Services, Biological Control Program. Russian knapweed (Rhaponticum repens) is a nonnative weed in the western United States. It was introduced in the late 1800’s and is now invading and degrading cropland, rangeland, riparian areas, and roadsides.
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Can beneficial insects control parthenium weed in Pakistan to safeguard crops?

Can biological control of parthenium in Pakistan safeguard crops? Last month, leaders worldwide focused on climate change at COP27. One critical subject has been the impact of global warming on food production. Rising temperatures have had terrible effects on crops. This is because they can help spread invasive alien species (IAS), including weeds, which can…
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Symposium highlights advances in global pest management for greater sustainable food security

CABI scientists have shared their expertise in safer-to-use and more sustainable biological control agents for the global management of crop pests and diseases which can threaten the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and food security.
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CABI supports fight against invasive species

CABI is supporting the fight against invasive species in the Caribbean. As part of PlantwisePlus activities and with funding from the CABI Development Fund, visits took place to support the governments of Grenada and Barbados. Dr Yelitza Colmenarez, CABI Brazil Centre Director & Plantwise Regional Coordinator – Latin America and Caribbean, and consultant Guilherme Trivellato…
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Prioritizing high impact crop pests for actions to safeguard the plant resources of the Caribbean

The CPHD is a network of Caribbean Plant Health Directors. A major objective of the CPHD is the safeguarding of the plant resources of the Caribbean with a focus on crop plants.
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Mass rearing tiny wasps to control the brown marmorated stink bug pest

The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is a real agricultural pest. It’s native to East Asia and has invaded the United States, Canada, Europe, and Chile. When it comes to agriculture, it causes significant damage to many economically important crops. This damage happens in both its native and invaded ranges. One…
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The life cycle of the invasive apple snail

Golden apple snail
The Life cycle of the invasive apple snail and its ability to grow and reproduce quickly makes it an incredibly successful invasive species. Invasive apple snail, Pomacea canaliculate, is widely considered one of the most invasive invertebrates of waterways and irrigation systems. The snails are able to spread through irrigation canals, natural water distribution pathways,…
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CABI highlights benefits of Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) support tools to fight invasive species in Caribbean

Larval damage
CABI’s experts in the field of invasive species management have highlighted the benefits of the CABI Horizon Scanning (HS) Tool and CABI Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) Tool to help fight a range of invasive species in the Caribbean.
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5 invasive birds you may have spotted

rose-ringed parakeet
Invasive birds pose a threat to native bird species, outcompeting them for resources like food and nesting sites. They can also be vectors of avian diseases and be serious crop pests. Here are five you may have seen for yourself.
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