CABI outlines at conference more sustainable biological control agent approach to fight diamondback moth

Muhammad Faheem, CABI’s Integrated Crop Management Advisor based at its centre in Malaysia, has outlined a more sustainable bio-based control approach to fight the diamondback moth pest (Plutella xylostella) in vegetables.
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Symposium highlights advances in global pest management for greater sustainable food security

CABI scientists have shared their expertise in safer-to-use and more sustainable biological control agents for the global management of crop pests and diseases which can threaten the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and food security.
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Rooting out ‘monster’ invasive weeds and pests from space

This article was originally published on SciDev.Net. Read the original article. Parthenium is a highly invasive weed that has spread to about 50 countries worldwide, threating agricultural productivity, biodiversity, ecosystems, and human and animal health. A major struggle to eliminate, parthenium can have heart-­breaking impacts – it has been estimated to cause crop yield losses…
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Preparando al productor para luchar contra el cogollero

El gusano cogollero (Spodoptera fugiperda) y otros gusanos masticadores son llamados “Langostas” por los productores en Somotillo y municipios aledaños, quizás devido a que la defoliación severa que causan les recuerda el daño causado por la langosta del desierto (Schistocerca gregaria). El cogollero es la plaga de mayor importancia para la producción de maíz en Nicaragua, sobre todo en el ciclo de primera, especialmente en localidades dentro del ‘corredor seco’ como Somotillo.
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